Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Boyd vs. Posada

In the case of Luis Posada Carriles, no major figure in the Administration has stepped to a podium to explain the government’s approach, much less to put the Administration’s treatment of a man it calls a “terrorist mastermind” into the context of the Global War on Terror.

The explainer-in-chief is Justice Department spokesman Dean Boyd, who presents the government’s immigration charges as the tough and appropriate solution. From an AP report:

"We intend to prosecute him on criminal charges, and we‘ve made that abundantly clear," said Dean Boyd, a spokesman for the U.S. Department of Justice in Washington. "And we expect him to appear in court on May 11."

On a Washington radio program, WAMU-FM host Kojo Nnamdi twice asked Boyd why the Administration has not used the authority of the Patriot Act to keep Posada in detention. Both times, Boyd ducked the question.

On that same program, a lawyer representing the Venezuelan government claimed that if Posada is convicted on the immigration charges, the customary sentence for each count would be a few months, and Posada might serve little to no time in jail if the time he has already spent in detention is credited against his sentence. Do any readers have a view on that?

More coverage, and more comments from the beleaguered Boyd, from David Adams in the St. Petersburg Times here.


  1. SHAMELESS KILLERS. All they are the same:Posada,Bosch,Bush,Cheney,
    and the others,all they promote terrorism,kill people everywhere,but God is looking at them,and He will give to them what they deserve.

  2. That Posada Carriles (and O. Bosch) will soon be totally 100% free is something that should be a national scandal. A President who declared war on countries that "harbor terrorists" should have to answer for this - not some DOJ spokesman. Either our Justice system is as broke as some people claim, or there was a top-down Administration effort to manage the Posada incident. They succeeded to confuse, distract and ultimately make boring a tantalizing case of official hypocrisy on the GWOT.
