Thursday, April 19, 2007

Vitral: Alive, Delayed, Toned Down

Bishop Serpa of Pinar del Rio has now told La Jornada of Mexico that Vitral “will continue appearing, but with delays due to funding limitations and he made clear that it will avoid the ‘aggressiveness’ in the publication’s editorial style.” The article from today’s paper is here. The reporter, Gerardo Arreola, relates some of the bishop’s story – his decades outside of Cuba, his return following the apparent appeal of Pope John Paul II, and his view of church-state relations. This is a story worth following, all across Cuba.


  1. While the media try to present the news as a retirement of those bishops, there are other details it happens to fly by by that media.
    It seems by details in the past, that there were conversations, probably secrets, or not anounced to the public. The retirement of 2 bishops, one in Oriente and the other in Pinar del Río, and the Benedicto`s speech in Semana Santa, broadcast to the nation by first time on TV in its totally are the symptoms and details for those thoughs of me. As part of this, it is the change in the Vitral reviews that give us the final clue to appoint this, the Government and the Church in Cuba, started a romance, let's see how ends this affair. Sorry about my english, I don't know if I can post here in spanish.
    Greeteings from Cuba.

  2. Gracias por tu comentario, y claro que si, los comentarios en espanol son bienvenidos.

  3. Gracias por permitir postear en español. Le invito a visitar mi blog en Es muy interesante conocer el punto de vista, sobre todo un punto de vista con conocimiento sobre el tema cubano, es bueno igualmente tener una visión que no esté permeada por el daño que a diario golpea al cubano en la isla, que indispone y de cierta manera nos convierte en jueces no muy idóneos, no obstante, somos los mejores testigos.
