Thursday, May 17, 2007

One for the techies

An anonymous blogger in Cuba, who goes by the name Karamchand and makes interesting comments here occasionally, has a question about Google and the Internet in Cuba. If you read Spanish and understand these things, you might take a look and leave an answer in his comment space.

Why, he wants to know, if he created his blog on or, does he see that he’s on the domain every time he logs off?

His concern, as you might guess, is privacy.


  1. I am no techy, but I would guess that since google owns and google likes to keep everything organized by country, they have seperate "folders" for each country where blogs are published. They are stored on some kind of .Cu server, hence the .cu back-end address popping up when logging out.

    Or it is an evil Communist plot.

  2. On his site, a reader from Portugal responded:

    “ não é um sítio cubano, está nos EU como todos os google; podes ir a ‘Herramientas del idioma’ e escolher outro país. isso não quer dizer que o tráfego não é filtrado, se não consegues aceder usa ou parecido”

    “ is not a Cuban site, it is in the US like all the Googles; you can go to ‘language tools’ and choose another country. This does not mean that the traffic is not filtered, if you can’t gain access use or something similar.”
