Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Smoking defiance

First, candidate-to-be Fred Thompson receives a reporter in his office where he has “box upon box of cigars – Montecristos from Havana” on display.

Now Governor Schwarzenegger goes to Canada, buys and smokes possibly a Cuban cigar even though Treasury’s Molly Millerwise says that would be against the law. Asked if it was a Cuban cigar, the Governator’s spokesman Aaron McLear says cavalierly, “There’s no way of telling now because he smoked it.”

Do these guys think the embargo is some kind of joke?

1 comment:

  1. if he is not a patriot then why have you chosen him as a governor. he is free to smoke cuban cigars where ever he wants. thanks to him that he smokes this in Canada. if he smokes this in US then what can you do..
