Friday, September 21, 2007

Odds and ends

  • Rui Ferreira of El Nuevo Herald asked El Salvador’s President Saca about the Posada Carriles case. Saca’s response was that he has never been asked – “officially” – to take Posada, but his position “has been very clear, that we would not receive him.”


  1. Yeah, I always had the feeling another video was coming. They won't let him die. They waited until he was a little better before putting him before the cameras. If only the average Cuban had the health care Fidel enjoys!

  2. la miseria y la desolacion se alargan para el sufrido pueblo de cuba

    take note Hillary ...everytime saquen un videito de fidel deberiamos apretar el embargo el bloqueo aun mas

  3. Oh, it is fund to watch the Babalu crowd squirm their way out of their Fidel is dead proclamations. It was all a Cuban regime plot they say, when they are as much to blame than anyone. Am I wrong in guessing probably half of Miami was really believing that nonsense?? The same half that is wrong about everything else...

    They won't let him die
    Now Telo why would "they" not want the Fidel to die? Aren't all blue blooded Cubans praying for the day?

    If only the average Cuban had the health care Fidel enjoys!
    Yes and if only 89.6 million Americans had ANY health care, let alone that of George Bush's. My co-worker told me a story today of a friend who was a freelance graphics designer. She had a terrible cough but had no insurance. She didn't want to take off work cuz she couldn't afford it as a single in LA. She was fired b/c of the cough, had to give up her apartment and was living in a shelter, where she died while working for another temp. Another silent victim of capitalism.

  4. leftside are you in Cuba ?...

    Damn you if youn live in the States?

  5. Fantomas,
    don't you know that when it comes to Cuba and its communist leadership, Leftside's motto is:
    See no evil, hear no evil and mostly, speak no evil. He finds everything wrong with the USA(where he lives by choice, although he could move to Cuba any day because no one would stop him from doing it, a very smart choice by the way) but does not see anything wrong with the Cuban regime, which he worshipes and adores. But even though he loves communism in Cuba and defends it to the hilt, he would never dare move himself to Cuba and practice it. Is the the typical case of the cafe revolutionaries you can find all over th world sporting the ubiquitous Che tee shirt, who love Cuba from afar ,but would never move there to live. Is called admiration and love the revolution, but from very far away. Once in a while they make a trip to check on the wonderful Cubans and their life under communism and then back to the USA and the normal life. In English there is a word for it that clearly defines his type: hypocrites.

  6. anon, nice work. I had actually thought Leftside was Fidel writing in under a pseudonym.

  7. Leftside, two wrongs don't make a right. Everyone knows about the negative aspects of America's health care system. On the other hand, many people have an unrealistic vision of Cuba's health care system. Cubans know better. When I said "they won't let him die", I was talking about the small group around Fidel who have a vested interest in keeping him alive for as long as they can. Although there may be other powerful forces which believe Castro can't leave yet. There is a lot about Castro, and around Castro, we don't know.

    As long as he manages to breath and utter some sentences, I do not discard the possibility of his being "nominated" and "elected" once again as "president" of Cuba. Even if he dies a week later.

  8. Hey Henry at babalu,

    who's your daddy?

  9. telodigohoy,

    you are right to call out Leftside, but then you are incorrect in trying to compare Cuba to US.

    I mean true that Cuba's health care system is unduly praised by the global left, but one should always compare Cuba to \ similiar Carribean countires to gauge how well it is doing.

    This is classic and brutal mistake of the Miami clan - to compare all things in Cuba to USA. Cuba is developing country, thus must be compared to developing country processes. To ignore the location of cuba in the geopolitical and economic global system is to ignore the reasons Fidel has been able to hold onto power for so long!

    Further, would you rather be sick in Cuba or Hati? Cuba or D.R? Cuba or Jamaica? I've been to all countries, I would choose Cuba.

  10. anon, Cuban "medicine" just nearly killed Castro.

  11. As in Animal Farm, all animals are created equal but some are more equal than others. This could easily can be applied to Cuba and its regime.
    When the tyrant was in dire straits, a Dr. Sabrido from Sapin was summoned to attend the tyrant. So obviously Cuban medicine was not so advanced or so excellent since they had to use the services of a Spanish doctor to attend the tyrant. Of course, Dr. Sabrido would have never come to Cuba to attend an average Cuban, that would have been unthinkable.So as you can see, some Cubans are more equal than others. And Cuban medicine is not all that is claimed to be. Otherwise, why would they need a Spanish doctor to attend Mr. Castro? Or aren't any good Cuban specialists to be found on the island that could attend Mr. Castro? Why a foreign doctor?

  12. There are plenty of things wrong with Cuba, health care is not one of them. Vice versa with the US... and if you are going to attack me, at least debate something I actually said.

    And if you want to use Fidel's care to tell us something about Cuban care, we should wait until we know some facts. For example, there is nothing to indicate the Spanish friend of the Castro family did anything more than provide his reknown expertise in the 24 hours he was there. And if you believe the reports of Fidel having a dangerous blood disease (forget the name, it starts with S), then keeping him alive was less than a 50-50 proposition - according to intl. standards (i looked it up). Supposedly Fidel has all new blood now. But of course, any leader would get the best care possible in their country (or actually, many like Preval and others come to Cuba).

  13. left you are so out of touch with reality

    I really really feel so sorry for you

  14. It really is pathetic to see someone go through life so full of hate and bile for his own country and so apologetic for a despotic regime like Castro's.

  15. oh, by the way, I meant leftside, not you Peters...

  16. Since you continue to personalize this Fantomas, I am tempted to respond in-kind with all the ways you have shown you are living in a fantasy world. But it is too cheap and easy. Let's try to stay on facts here in Phil's place.

    I do not hate my country. Far from it. However, when you hear stories like I told, or have to walk over a half dozen homeless people on your way to work, or see the way the US treats a country like Cuba that dared to be truly independent and solve some of the problems I care most about, or the way capitalism is ruining the earth's future, then you do all you can to fight for a better United States that does not worship the thing that causes all this (the free market).

  17. It is not trivial for a US citizen to have views like those of Leftside and express them openly. Not to mention that the robust US democracy allows him to do that, but the reception is not warm, not even neutral. US has many great things but the cowboyish nature of their approach to almost every issue in this world is certainly a danger. I consider that we, at US and abroad, would be better if there were at least a mild cultural shift towards Leftside progressive imaginary. Those that consider that views like his are a symptom of hate towards US are probably the ones whose patriotism should be scrutinized. They are responsible for Viet-Nam and Iraq. For the hyper-consumerism of the society and its deep negative impact on world affairs. Our life is to short to witness what ought to come in some centuries. Socialism all over the world or an eternal dictatorship. US-styled capitalism and imperialistic behavior have no future if the world is supposed to improve.
