Thursday, September 27, 2007

Odds and ends

  • Judge Cohen ruled today that, contrary to the State of Florida’s arguments, Rafael Izquierdo of Cabaiguan, Cuba is not an unfit parent. But I was wrong in my earlier post – this decision doesn’t end the matter. The judge gave Mr. Izquierdo a strong hand, and send all parties to mediation. There will be another hearing on the girl’s welfare.

  • Different reports cite different numbers – EFE says it was 13 – but there are reports that dissidents were detained in Havana today as they prepared to join together to deliver to the Justice Ministry a letter protesting the conditions in which political prisoners are held.

  • The Mexican and Cuban foreign minsters met at the UN, and I have a report from Havana that Mexico’s ambassador there says he hopes that a visit to Cuba by President Calderon can be made before the end of the year.

1 comment:

  1. Judge Cohen ruled today that, contrary to the State of Florida’s arguments, Rafael Izquierdo of Cabaiguan, Cuba is not an unfit parent.

    Justice has been done! But you wouldn't know it if should observe the comments on babalu.

    Unbelievable! They call the father selfish and much worse names. Can you believe the audacity of the hard line community - to argue that a father has no right to his own child. This has gone too far. miami hardliners are freaks (and very very unchristain).
