Monday, November 5, 2007

Odds and ends

  • Speaking of the speech, here’s how the U.S. Interests Section’s electronic signboard described it: “In his speech addressing the Cuban people, President Bush said: If Cuba is to enter a new era, it must find a way to reconcile and pardon those who have been part of the system but do not have blood on their hands. The President reiterated tht Cubans have the future of their country in their hands.”

  • An IPS report describes the religious and community charitable work of an evangelical church in Havana’s La Lisa neighborhood.


  1. I'm going to buy a Posada original and send it to leftside.

  2. Posada is a great artist

  3. Thanks, I would take it but I don't see how that would not make me liable under the Patriot Act...

    Didn't Bosch sell paintings to make money as well?

  4. I assume this article was re-printed word for word in Granma. If it wasn't, it should have been.
