Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Campaign odds and ends

LA Times: Mitt Romney’s campaign complains that automated phone calls, origin unknown, are distorting his position on Cuba by telling voters that he is eager to open relations with Cuba. Not so, as we know. Meanwhile, at a Sweetwater rally on Sunday, Romney donned a guayabera, a gift from Bay of Pigs veterans. County commissioner Pepe Diaz said the veteran who presented the shirt did so with tears in his eyes; he also said it would have been “a major insult” had Romney declined to accept the shirt. Nice.

The Hill: Meanwhile, Senator Clinton is distorting her own past position on Cuba. She was one of 59 Senators to vote to end the travel ban in 2003. Her spokesman, in error, claims that this was a vote on family travel only. Her current position seems narrower still: “flexibility to allow visits for immediate family members in humanitarian cases,” which sounds quite minimal, but still enough to “give hope to the Cuban people,” as she stated in the CANF questionnaire.

The Weekly Standard: As Giuliani fades, McCain seems to benefit in Little Havana.

[AP photo via Herald.com]


  1. Amazingly the babalu types are angry that Hillary has suggested a little wiggle room that she might be for letting me see my sick father in law more than once every three years.

    It is tragic as it is hypocritical that these bastards - with no family left in cuba- keep me and my family apart. Family trumps politics.

    For full diclosure, I am not even a Hillary supporter but strong , strong advocate of cuban american family visits.

  2. what's tragic is that the Castro regime has divided Cuban families and then sought to turn that division into a cash industry....
