Senators Clinton and Obama addressed
They responded to a question from Univision’s Jorge Ramos: “Would you be willing to sit down with Raul Castro or whoever leads the Cuban dictatorship, at least once, to get a measure of the man?”
Senator Clinton sticks to the approach voiced so many times by President Clinton when he was in office:
Obama would meet without preconditions but only after preparation of an agenda that includes human rights, political prisoners, free press, economic opening – “It is important for the United States not just to talk to its friends, but also to its enemies.” He would also lift restrictions on Cuban American visits and remittances. He described that as “a show of good faith.”
Obama rocks!
ReplyDeletesmartest candidate.
Claro que si Obama rocks porque Obama quiere a Oscar Elias Biscet y los mas de 300 presos politicos en las calles de la habana , luchando por la cuba
ReplyDeleteAfter that , el se sentara a hablar con raul a pedirle reformas concretas, todas en camino a la democracia ..ouch como duele eso
Obama rocks...
apunta phil que a fantomas no se le va una
Ok, Fantomas.
ReplyDeleteHe leido en otro lugar que tu eres Republicano para Obama? Hay muchos de tu especie, se dice.
Obama would meet without preconditions but only after preparation of an agenda that includes human rights, political prisoners, free press, economic opening.
ReplyDeleteAnd this candidate really believes that the Cuban regime will meet all of those conditions he has announced during the debate in order for him to talk to them?
He is more uninformed and naive that I have already suspected. He could wish for all of those conditions but time will show him how wromg he is about the Cuban regime. Let's see how many of those conditions are met. My guess: nono of them, that would be suicide for the regime and thye know it very well, at least they know it better than Mr. Obama. But he can keep dreaming and fool himself about the regime. What next ask Iran to stop the nuclear program and weapons in exchange for him to sit down and talk? Naivete seems to be in great abundance on Mr. Obama' plate. He does not understand one bit the dangerous world we live in. Chamberlain also was naive about Hitler and he finally awakened when it was too late. But it seems these guys never learn and continue to believe in fairy tales.
Last night Messiah forfeited Florida in the general election. With McCain challenging in CA and in the swing states in the midwest, and possibly even picking up some mid-Atlantic states, Messiah becomes virtually unelectable.
ReplyDeleteHola,Phil Peters, soy reportera del diario brasileño Folha de São Paulo y quería entrevistarlo sobre Cuba, por supuesto. A que teléfono puedo llamar?
ReplyDeleteMr. Farinas, I think when he was talking about “preparation” he was talking about what would have to be on the agenda. It seemed to me that he was adding to what he said in the YouTube debate some time ago, when he said he would talk without any preconditions, and Sen Clinton and others attacked him for it.
ReplyDeleteI don’t think there’s much mystery to the Cuban position. They have stated it many times, but our government has never put them to the test. They say they want normal relations, two-way trade, etc, and will talk about anything as long as their sovereignty and independence is not at issue. They have suggested formal agreements on migration, drug interdiction, terrorism. We bring up human rights, they will too, i.e. Guantanamo and who knows what else. I’m saying this from memory but I’m sure the record bears me out, because they have said it hundreds of times.
If the Cubans hold to that position I don't think it would be difficult to establish an agenda for talks. Results are another question altogether.
we talk with north korea people!
ReplyDeletethanks phile for your insightful analysis.
and will talk about anything as long as their sovereignty and independence is not at issue. They have suggested formal agreements on migration, drug interdiction, terrorism. We bring up human rights, they will too, i.e. Guantanamo and who knows what else.
ReplyDeletete confundes phil nada de guantanamo....cuba, cuba, cuba, human rights in cuba, no guantanamo
phil cual es tu empeño porque cuba no cambie su soberania , cuando es una soberania a base de pistolas , represion y sangre
Vamos a dejar que el soberano, el pueblo soberano eliga a sus candidatos pero de diferentes partidos e ideologias
Phil mereces unas clasesitas de democracia parece que en tu universidad te colgastes o te copiastes del examen y se te olvido todo
They have suggested formal agreements on migration, drug interdiction, terrorism.
No, no, no, no, no, no, Phil eso no, eso es mierda phil, bullshit, those issues are not important at this point...
phil everyday I read your posts and comments me doy cuenta lo ignorante que es usted en el caso cubano
Personas como usted no tiene cabida en una Cuba libre sin comunistas
Y estoy hablando en serio Phil ,
Fantomas, tu eres fabuloso, pero tranquilicete un segundo, lea una vez mas, tu veras que estaba describiendo la postura del gobierno de tu pais. Esto se indica por frases como "they have said," "they have suggested," etc.
Tu estaras encargado de las visas en la Cuba libre?
ReplyDeleteit is not just about more food or better transportation like Raul is planning
La postura de cuba es una postura vieja y gastada Phil ...Cubans want Cambio change the same way Obama will provide el Cambio in the US...Americans sick and tired of longserving washington crook politicians such as Ted Kennedy, Clinton , Mc Cain and company
ReplyDeleteI sure hope Fantomas is not in charge of anything more dangerous than being dogcatcher in a future free Cuba. But he does have a point.
Obama will not get one of these requirements in his agenda met by anyone in power in Cuba. But he said without any preconditions, which means he will meet with them anyway even if they do not meet those conditions from his so called agenda. No one in Cuba is about to commit suicide and abandon power so any release of prisoners, freedom of the press and really free elections is out of the question. Those things would spell the end of communism and they are not about to commit harakiri. They know very well what that would spell, the end of their regime.