The Cuban government’s accusations against the U.S. Interests Section in Havana were made in a press conference and on the Mesa Redonda television program yesterday. The Herald’s coverage is here; Granma’s is here, with links to documents and video that allegedly tie dissidents to Santiago Alvarez of Miami, an associate of Luis Posada Carriles who was recently convicted of weapons charges. The information released yesterday, Cuban officials say, is just the beginning. Radio Marti’s website covers the allegations and the U.S. government’s response.
Meanwhile, in Florida, Senator McCain previews his speech on Cuba today, including a shot at Senator Obama for his willingness to engage in a dialogue with the Cuban government.
ReplyDeleteThis isn't news. The U.S., as well as a few Eastern European nations, openly support - financially and otherwise - dissidents on the island. Everyone knows this so I'm not quite sure I understand why the Cuban "government" saw fit to attempt to blow this into a big deal. It's common knowledge.
Going a step further, if Cuba had a an elected, democratic government, I would certainly have a problem with this sort of thing. Fact is however, Cuba does not, hasn't had one since before Batista. Supporting dissidents in the fight against a morally bankrupt dictatorship is to be applauded and indeed, expected - or at least hoped for. I only wish the U.S. were a bit more even-handed - as there are plenty of thuggish dictatorships whose dissidents we choose not to support - the term "in bed with" comes to mind here.
To the Cuban de-facto government, I can only say . . . "and your point is?"
If these accusations are true, they put the Cuban dissidence at great risk again.
ReplyDeleteBeing secretive about handing money to Cuban dissidents should stop, especially if it comes from top US officals. The funding of and contributions to human rights groups in Cuba should be TRANSPARENT.
It's scandalous to think that perhaps US officials in Cuba are really this negligent.
This appears to be a shot across the bow by Havana designed to warn Washington away from a policy shift that would authorize direct USAID or NGO monetary aid to dissidents. By seizing on the alleged connection to a Posada associate in this instance, they aim to delegitimize the receipt of monetary aid by dissidents in the future. Never mind that left-wing NGOs throughout Latin America have thrived on such direct aid for decades.
ReplyDeletetypical reaction, the Cuban govt isn't legitimate so these payments to the dissidents are justified. guess what, the world recognizes the cuban govt as legitimate, as do a majority of the cuban people, despite the bleatings of those who would preferr to turn back the clock and bring Cuba back into the American colonial system.
ReplyDeleteif you haven't heard, the US still considers itself to be at war with Cuba; that's the basic for the embargo, that's why the US government position is regime change, and that's why they continue to try and destabilize internal security in Cuba; and that's why they've waged a 50 year war of terror against cuba.
so anyone who accepts money from the united states with the purpose of undermining the current Cuban government is considered to be an agent of an enemy foreign power. AS any other country in the world would consider them to be.
what if Al Queada sent money to Americans living in US with the purpose of promoting Islamic fundamentalism or the overthrow of the US goverment; what would happen to these people? Send them to Cuba, Gitmo, no doubt.
Look at how Cuba has dealt with dissidents those who have been shown to accept financial or material support from the US are sent to jail; those who refuse aid are not. It is the United States that has the embargo on Cuba; it is the US that supports terrorist groups against Cuba that have killed thousands of innocents. It is simply Cuba reacting to citizens who are agents for a foreign power.
And to suggest the Cuban govt is not legitimate is a ridiculous position; whether you like it or not it is supported by the majority of Cubans still in Cuba.
"guess what, the world recognizes the cuban govt as legitimate, as do a majority of the cuban people, despite the bleatings of those who would preferr to turn back the clock and bring Cuba back into the American colonial system."
ReplyDeleteForeign countries recognizing the dictatorship is irrelevant when the CUBAN PEOPLE do not recognize it.
"despite the bleatings of those who would preferr to turn back the clock and bring Cuba back into the American colonial system."
Where on Earth do you get this stuff. You fail to realize that we are generally a rather nationalistic group. The idea of becoming an American colony is rather foreign to most of us.
The bottom line is, I feel most folks are incredibly ignorant when it comes to Cuba. I'm not sure if this is a result of propaganda efforts by the government or just antipathy towards the Cuban people. I'm veering towards ignorance, as I'm a bit of an optimist.
Open your hearts -- support the Cuban PEOPLE and not the DICTATORSHIP. If more folks had done that in places like Chile years ago, perhaps Pinochet wouldn't have lasted as long as he did.
ReplyDeleteThe point is, the majority of Cuban people, living in Cuba, recognize their government is legitimate. And this is something American policy apologists just wont admit.
I'm talking about the majority in the rural areas, where the revolution has brought the most benefits, and continues to do so. I support the Cuban people, and anyone who supports American policy does not. The absolute crap about the embargo is harming the govt and not the people is ridiculous.
Talk to the Cubans in the countryside, the ones that see they have health care, hospitals near by, a school where their children can go to, access to clean water and sanitation. Things they never had before. Then ask them if they think their government is legitimate or not. Governments maintain legitimacy through the support of the people. ANd if the Cubans didn't think their govt was legitimate, they'd change it; like they did when they kicked the Americans out and fought the Spanish.
You need to know more about Cuba before you talk of things beyond your comprehension. Cuba's history is one of a desire for national independence. And the majority of Cubans, whether you want to recognize it or not, understand the current govt has given that to them. It has come at a great cost, thanks to the unforgiving American attitude towards cuban soverignty. Many top ranking American govt officials admit that Cuban policy is not international, but based on national considerations -- meaning they treat Cuba as a wayward protectorate that will eventually come back under their control.
Cuba WAS an American colony, not recognizing that is a total denial of Cuba's recent history. By your implication you are Cuban. For you not to understand that basic US-Cuban history, or current American efforts to destroy the revolution and bring back Cuba into the neo-colonial sphere, speaks to your ignorance. I assume if you are Cuban you no longer live in Cuba.
Propaganda, there has been no other country other than Cuba subject to so much propaganda.
FOr 50 years the US has waged a terrorist war against Cuba, invaded the country, imposed an economic blockage. All, as President Kennedy admitted, "to bring the terrors of the earth" to the Cuban population. All to force Cuba back into the American control. To talk of specific type of govt, a dictatorship as you call it, is irrelevant. AMerica has supported the most vile murderous dictatorships, and still does, so the type of govt Cuba currently has is not important -- the only American policy consideration is that Cuba went their own way. If the Americans could install a dictatorship, of their liking, in Cuba tomorrow, they'd be more than happy to. Just look at CANF for proof.
legitimacy is conferred through free and fair elections, where any individual, anywhere, can run for office without intimidation and with full access to media....
ReplyDeletethat's it...
re elections; i agree totally. Cuba has never had free and fair elections, and tossing over the current regime for an american backed one will ensure that tradition continues. For then Cubans would only be allowed to vote for candidates that toe the US political/economic line, as was the case in the past and would the case in the future.
ReplyDeletebased on your definition, when will the US gain legitimacy, for if you think any american can run for office under your definitions, you are living in a dream world. ANd how dare US lecture Cuba on democracy; when in American the presidential candidate with the MOST votes doesn't win? Splain that one to me Lucy.
ReplyDeleteI don’t even know where to begin. To use the term “ignorant” on someone who himself has suffered under the system first-hand is on its face, so ludicrous, I am left speechless.
All the rural farmers support Fidel? Really? That’s interesting considering the fact that half my family are said poor rural farmers and none of them support the dictatorship, nor any of their friends. You might also want to look into who was behind the Escambray rebellion.
Granted, there will always be those who support any given system of government, but to say that the vast majority of folks in Cuba support the regime is simply baffling to me. I take it then that you are not Cuban, have never experienced these things.
There is no sense in banging one’s head into a brick wall or pissing in the wind with an individual such as yourself. I apologize in advance for what I am about to say but, you are heartless. When the Pearl of the Antilles again gains her freedom, those such as yourself will not be forgotten by those of us who have suffered for so very long.
I feel only shame for you.
you talk of freedom, but never define those terms; freedom to do what when the americans come in again, as is apparently your want; freedom to dismantle social systems, freedom to buy into economic policies that have left millions in poverty across Latin America, freedom to deign to political policies that favor the few rich over the majority.
ReplyDeleteexplain what you would see under your 'freedom'. be specific if you can, realistic if you dare
If the vast majority of cubans didn't support the current government they would protest, they would change things, as they have in the past. and dont bother me with the cubans are too controlled crap.
Your anecdotal evidence is meaningless, i know families upon families who support the revolution, both in the countryside and in the cities. these people know the faults of the current government, and they know the history of american imperialism. they want change on their terms, not by someone else telling them they have to.
as they say, "the rose may stink, but it's our rose."
the heartless ones are the ones who spew out meaningless slogans, 'once we are free' yeah, freedom to starve is no freedom at all.
but you know what makes things all worthwhile, is that all your hand wringing and protestations are for naught; as long as the people of cuba continue to support their government, and work for change on their terms, not under the force of American threats, then you gusanos will simply continue to rant and rave helplessly on the sidelines. because your side brings nothing constructive, you suffer nothing.
yo soy Cubano, siempre.
someone is channeling leftside...
ReplyDeleteLOL, that was perhaps one of the funniest responses to, well - anything - I've heard in a long time, BR. I think you need a bit more real-life experience with the carnage and evil across the globe. Seriously.
ReplyDeleteI suppose in the end - when you've seen - with your own eyes - the evils suffered by human beings in places like Haiti, or the inequalities in locales like Burma - or Cuba for that matter - it opens your eyes a bit.
Exactly who wants Cuba to become an American pawn? Come on, BR - it seems as if you know better than that. It seems as if you realize just how nationalistic (in a positive sense) we are as a people.
Sorry, that response above was simply absurd and speaks of a complete and total ignorance when it comes to Cuban history and the continuing development of nations across the globe that stifle education in an effort to maintain control, that prevent the development of the human spirit in a bid to maintain control, that use universal freedoms like healthcare as a weapon in a bid to maintain control . . . I could go on.
I realize that perhaps I am a bit over-idealistic but man risks condemning himself to a life of mediocrity if he refuses to always strive for positive change.
I can do no more for you. You are what you are - your beliefs are your own - whether or not they fly in the face of reality and goodwill.
Moving on . . . .
Oh, one more thing, BR:
ReplyDeleteI suppose you support dictator Fulgencio Batista as well . . .
Que clase de comemierda.