Thursday, July 31, 2008

Odds and ends

  • AP: Senator Arlen Specter plans to go to Cuba, and seeks a meeting with Raul Castro.

  • If you read Frank Calzon’s letter to the Miami Herald, you come to realize that maybe we all have things backwards. One of Calzon’s employees embezzled half a million dollars in federal funds from his organization, and Calzon discovered it – so he should be congratulated. Congressional attention to the issue has nothing to do with the fact that taxpayer money went missing; rather, it’s a “political fishing expedition.” And the lack of a federal grant constitutes “punishment.”

  • Al Kamen of the Washington Post uncovers a message from the office of Rep. Lincoln Diaz-Balart, inviting legislators to discuss “the very troubling granting of a Treasury/OFAC license to a little league team to travel to Cuba in August.”

  • Former Mexican foreign minister Jorge Castaneda, writing in Newsweek, takes an interesting look at Vietnam now, and muses about Cuba’s future.

  • Penultimos Dias, a great blog and resource, celebrates its second anniversary. Congratulations to the indefatigable Ernesto.

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