Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Odds and ends

  • El Nuevo Herald reports that a passenger bound for Cuba was nabbed by federal agents in the Miami airport last March with $16,738 in his carry-on bag. He said the envelope came from a travel agent, for delivery to her mother in Cuba.

  • The Cuba Transition Project at the University of Miami announces that two videoconferences with Cuban dissidents and independent journalists are available for viewing on its website, under “New/Relevant.” It would be nice if the U.S. Interests Section would put the rest of its videoconferences on its website, rather than keep them in the closed circle of U.S. officials, Cuban participants, and Cuban spooks who tuned in too.


  1. I think we should have a bush transition project too, maybe funded by VZ or Russia. we would like that wouldn't we?

  2. it's sad how people like this jerk living here in the lap of luxury find such contempt for concepts like freedom and individualism. It may be a joke to you but I know it is not to people living under a stalinist police state like in Cuba. Russia and venzuela financing a transition here to what jerk?
