Friday, March 13, 2009

Cuba advances, undefeated

Cuba defeated Mexico 16-4, faces Japan on Sunday in San Diego. A short video wrapup of the game is at

And here’s an article from the New York Times on Cuba’s baseball tradition, and the current Cuban team.


  1. have there been any Cuban defections yet?

  2. the U.S. MSM are all idiots. Every couple of years they discover that Cubans like baseball, play dominoes, smoke cigars, and drive old cars. It's just insulting.

  3. Update your site. Cuba lost to Japan yesterday 6-0. We are awaiting the new "reflexions" by the Caga-Andante. I bet he second guesses every move the team manager made. Maybe we will get lucky and he will have a stroke over the loss and we finally get rid of him.

  4. the days of Cuban professionals beating up on international amateurs in baseball are over. another supposed "accomplishment" of the Cuban Revolution up in smoke....
