Wednesday, June 3, 2009

The OAS, still plugging away (Updated)

At the OAS General Assembly, they debated the Cuba issue until 11:00 p.m. and adjourned with no decision.

AFP Spanish reports that a majority supported a measure to revoke the 1962 resolution that suspended Cuba’s membership and open a process of consultations on Cuba’s return, and on the conditions of Cuba’s return, if and when Cuba states that it wants to return to the OAS. A search for consensus will continute today.

Coverage from The Miami Herald here, from the New York Times here.

[Update: AP reports that the 1962 resolution has been repealed.]


  1. This is why the region is and will always be an economic and political backwater. Wasting regional summits on refighting ideological battles that the rest of the world dispensed with decades ago. The biggest losers are the people of the region, who continue to be mired in poverty and lack of opportunity, while their "leaders" strut and preen and posture about issues that have no relevance to their everyday struggles.

  2. No anon, this is why the region needs its own regional institutions free from US (60%) domination. This issue would have been settled in 6 minutes if the US had not been there twisting arms and wasting time trying to force its way.

    The OAS has never done a thing for people's "everyday struggles." It is a diplomatic forum where the US asserts its control of the purse strings. Not much more.

  3. There is nothing stopping any country from leaving the OAS and participating in another regional group. It is time for Chavez, Ortega, Correa, Zelaya, Lugo, and anybody else who is being so belligerent as of late to either walk away or to shut up. If the hemispheric architecture for this century is to be a US block and an anti-US block, so be it!

    Colonel Jessup

  4. Hey OAS, enjoy having no more U.S. funding.

  5. hey who cares, we don't need no stinking yankee dollars, we got oil money

  6. That's it. I am giving up bananas!

    Colonel Jessup
