Friday, June 19, 2009

Odds and ends

  • Sources tell Reuters that an offshore oil drilling platform has been found and will soon be on its way to Cuba. Drilling could therefore be only months away. This platform follows the exploratory drilling by Spain’s Repsol in 2004, with apparently promising results.

  • The Herald: the State Department “is looking to confirm dates” for migration talks. In Cuba, National Assembly President Ricardo Alarcon gives an interview to AP and says that Cuba wants to talk about more than migration.

  • More on the Wednesday TV Marti hearing: links to witnesses’ statements are here.

  • Journalist Kirk Nielsen, veteran of past Cuba spy trials, looks ahead to that of the Myers.

  • The State Department’s annual report on human trafficking, another of the reports where Congress requires the Executive to pass judgment on the rest of the world, has been issued. Judge the section on Cuba for yourself. It says that Cuba views “U.S. attempts to engage officials on trafficking issues as politically motivated.”


  1. everytime I see a picture of those two traitors I want to wretch. The NYT "portrait" reveals a couple of complete LOSERS who failed miserably to accomplish anything in life -- marijuana plants in the basement in their 40s????? Good grief, the regime sure knows to how to pick out alienated loser misfits (see Montes) to do their dirty work for them...

  2. leftside would be lighting votive candles for them but he's probably an atheist

  3. LOSERS who failed miserably to accomplish anything in life

    Right, advising Condi Rice is doing nothing in life...

  4. leftside, you know nothing about the federal government. a loser like that with a nothing job in a backwater office in the State Department never probably got in the same room with Rice.

  5. Lefty...always leading with his chin.

  6. The NY Times reported that he advised Condi Rice on European Affairs - I didn't come up with that. And I do know something about how Government bureaucracies work...

    Why does Cuba seems to have such an easy time finding people to assist them for free?

  7. because the global supply of useful idiots like yourself is endless...
