Sunday, July 26, 2009

It's up to us

Raul Castro, at today’s 26th of July speech in Holguin:

“The land is there, the Cubans are here, we’ll see if we work or not, if we produce or not, if we keep our word or not, it’s not a question of shouting ‘Fatherland or death, down with imperialism, the blockade hurts us’ – and the land is there, waiting for our sweat.”


  1. July in Holguin with Raul.

    What a combo. Yuck!

  2. Cubans have been sweating for fifty years and it has produced only misery. the whole thing is grotesque.

  3. Rauls insists in disproving and making a lair out of Leftside who tells us the economy is growing at a rapid pace by leaps and bounds and fruits and vegetables are everywhere and the people rejoice at every step.
    Raul also made a liar out of Juventud rebelde which said the distribution of untilled lands is not going very well. Cuba is such a bad joke is no even funny. It would be funny if it wasn't so damn tragic and desperate for the Cuban people's lives. How many lives and how much pains and suffereing would have been avoided if the CIA would have shot both Fidel and Raul back in 1960. Dead and gone and many thousands of Cuban lives would have been saved in exchange for the lives of these two miserable scumbags.

  4. Leftside who tells us the economy is growing at a rapid pace by leaps and bounds and fruits and vegetables are everywhere and the people rejoice at every step.

    Oh yeah? Is that what I have said? Where exactly did I make such simplistic judgements? It is the CIA that has been telling us that Cuba has been growing at a rapid clip in recent years (well above the regional aveerage). It is Phil who told us that fruits and veggies have rebounded since the hurricane.

    Raul also made a liar out of Juventud rebelde which said the distribution of untilled lands is not going very well.

    Actually Raul's whole speech was about how more needs to be done. In specific reference to the land program, he specifically admitted that "insufficiencies persist in some municipalities more than others." But granting 82,000 people the right to farm land (almost 2 million Americans, proportionally) in a little more than a year is pretty impressive in and of itself.

  5. Does anyone have confirmation that Raul Castro's new name in Cuba is "La Sombra" (The Shadow)?

    Vecino de NF

  6. Again all the Cuban regime statistics say the economy is not growing at all and in fact it may be negative growth next year. And they are unable to pay what they owe to foreign companies. A friend who just came back from visiting families say most foreign companies seem to be leaving Cuba. But you keep thinking things are great and the regime is supported wholesale by Cubans, despite the constant defections and attempts of many people to leave that hellhole at any cost you call it a socialist paradise.
    Man, You live in a dream world anyway and after 50 years of the same promises unfullfilled and that everything promised would be in a future that never arrives, you can't wake up to the grim reality. I guess it must be the good drugs you use, I bet.
