Friday, July 31, 2009

Odds and ends

  • In the Huffington Post, blogger Yoani Sanchez argues that Cuba should remove the sea of flags flying in front of the U.S. Interests Section, now that the electronic signboard is down.

  • Coming soon: a new agency to fight corruption in Cuba; Reuters coverage here.


  1. Re: Yoani's suggestion.
    Gee, I don't see why the flags should be removed. They're not offensive; they're downright colorful.
    Besides, the Cuban government spent a lot of money on the installation of the flagpoles, money it could have spent to improve the lives of its people.
    Let the flags serve some useful purpose, like brightening up the landscape. I say, keep 'em.

  2. in the banana republic of miami, any bets the three of the five will get longer sentences. free the five and put the real terrorists in jail.

  3. another inhabitant of planet leftside reveals himself to humans

  4. my what a wonderfully constructive comment, direct and to the point from someone living on a world full of gusanos

  5. Anonymous 3:28PM,

    Do you mean maggots, worms, or butterflies when you use the term "gusanos"?

    Vecino de NF

  6. Anonymous 3:28 PM,

    Sorry I got ahead of the metamorphosis!

    Do you mean maggots, worms, or carterpillars when you use the term "gusanos"?

    Vecino de NF

  7. vecino -- boring. heard it all before, sorry you don't like the term gusano, you must have a tone that rings every time its used. there are sill gusanos in miami, and many on this blog, exactly the kind you know in reference of, but my you are cute. the type of people who do nothing but bash cuba for everything and anything that is done, regardless of context or form, are gusanos, and the worst are the ones who claim distance but are far from dispassionate.
    where you ever at university of penn?

  8. Mitio,

    Do you mean if I attended UPENN? Did you?

    Gusano is an ethnic/political slur and as such it destroys any efforts to reconcile and distend relations. I keep asking those who use it to clarify their intent because I suspect the use the term in an effort to sound "with it" rather than meaning to insult and to dehumanize.

    There is nothing with being passionate about one's beliefs but to insult and to demean to advance one's point is just plain bullying.

    Vecino de NF

  9. there are gusanos in miami , plain and simply. We all know what gusano means, and why they are purge to Cuban freedom movement and civil life in usa or cuba

    gusanos are probably 'birthers' too. and they turn their back on their latino brothers and hispanic heritage. They also have completely absorbed far right thinking about everything. They see conspiracies/

    en fin, gusanos are not cubans nor americans they are simply gusanos.

  10. gusanos are anyone who has the self-respect and the dignity to refuse to lick the comandante's boots.

    and what do you call the likes of you? sycophants who seem to have some weird sexual thrill about associating themselves with the caudillo, the strongman, the man on a horse. You're like the freshman girl who's infatuated with the star quarteback in high school ("oh, I think he looked my way!") not understanding that a psychotic like Castro has utter contempt for obsequious minions like yourself.

    Does that paint a close enough picture of you?


  11. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  12. chingon is now a psychologist, very impressive. as usual though he and his kind really don't know what the hell they are talking about. havent' for 50 years actually. keep on spreading your fear and hate and kissing the culo of those fantatics in miami who have taken millions of dollars, fantasize about returning to cuba as heroes and just cant accept that time has passed them by and have wasted their lives.
    gusano is a term with negative impact because it applies to those who just wont accept the reality of cuba and continue to support policies that do nothing but punish the people, all the while saying its against the govt. they are the worst kind of traitors (not all cuban-americans are gusanos, in fact very few are) all they want is a return to american influence over cuba; disguise it in a number of ways, and don't deserve to have any say in future cuba. and there are gusanos on this blog. they are the worst kind of extremists that have done nothing but harm.

  13. dimwit,

    I wasn't even born when Castro came to power and I've never lived in Miami -- so come up with something better than just aping the party line from Havana. Here's a challenge: think for yourself.


  14. chingon, but you are hard right cuban-american?
    because all you do is spout the gusano line, and you don't live in Miami! oh well then that makes all the difference. who cares when you were born, or where you live. here's a challenge, tell us all what year this is.
    all you are is the boring, ridiculous continuation of the thousands of people and millions of dollars spent to try and convince, i guess yourselves more than anyone else, that absolutely nothing is good or right in cuba. the rest of us have passed that by, but if you like the 60s so much, that's OK too. just try and come up with something more original. or better yet, keep up the same crap, it's not like we haven't heard it all before. I'm sure you would have liked to have worked with Blackwater too

  15. chingo -- i'd bet a million you vote GOP if your american -- because your strategy is the same -- accuse the other side of doing exactly what you do. especially when challenged. this is in reference to not being original, you know, just to make sure you understand. so how's sarah palin?

  16. oh yes, cuban has all these political prisoners. the cuban five just another classic example of banana boat judiciary of miami, right up to the supreme court.
    free the five.
