Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Odds and ends

  • Reuters: a delegation of Catholic bishops in Cuba, led by Baltimore’s Cardinal Sean O’Malley, aims to send a message to the White House: “Isolation doesn’t help change.”

  • Sun-Sentinel: Gulfstream International, which operates charters to Cuba, saw its second-quarter charter business increase 71 percent over last year. Last March 11, the Bush rules regarding family visits were repealed, allowing Cuban Americans to visit once per year. The measures President Obama announced April 13 – unrestricted family visits and remittances – still have not been implemented.

  • Hurricane season has started, and so have worries about Cuba and its Caribbean neighbors. A potentially big one (Bill) has shifted course so it threatens Bermuda rather than the Caribbean. If you want to follow storms and cut out the middleman, you can go here to get direct access to the U.S. government reports, projections, radar images, etc.

1 comment:

  1. so these catholic bishops think ending the embargo is a good thing. buncha damn commies. obviously been brainwashed by the ultrared radio waves the cubans broadcast out to these useful idiots. my god, what is the world coming to. i'm melting, im melting, oh what a world.
