Thursday, August 20, 2009

Odds and ends

  • NPR reports on the tourism industry in Cuba and whether it’s ready for Americans. And this travel reporter from NY1 television points out Cuba’s casas particulares, the private homes that rent rooms to foreigners, as an alternative to Cuban hotels such as the “iconic but shabby” Hotel Nacional.

  • In a Cubanet article datelined from Miami, writer Adrian Leiva supports the Juanes concert and asks: “Why recriminate against a musician who in good faith wishes to bring a concert for peace and national concord to the Cuban people, for something that isn’t his responsibility as a foreigner? It is an exclusive responsibility of the Cuban people to demand spaces of liberty and respect for our human rights. To transfer this responsibility to a foreign country or a musician is wrong and unworthy.”

  • Snide Fidel: At the end of a commentary published yesterday, where he looks at the Empire’s defense posture and health care debate, Fidel Castro says this: “Better yet, scientists could design robots capable of governing; thus they would spare the government and Congress of the United States this horrible, contradictory, and confusing work. No doubt they would do it better and cheaper.”


  1. It is interesting to note that First Secretary Fidel Castro (FSFC) is interested in the number of advanced fighter planes in the US arsennal in 2020, and by 2040(?) the majority of the US armed forces planes would be "robotic" (controlled remotely might be a better term). This guy apparently is planning to twitter beyond the grave! We should plan to go from reflections of the compañerp Fidel to revelations of the spirit of Fidel.

    This might be a sign that a vigorous internal debate is happening in Cuba's governing circles about how to run the country, and that the status quo traditionalists are loosing the argument.

    Vecino de NF

  2. with any luck the new generation will start taking more power in cuban affairs, its the only way things will advance. same as in miami, when the old gusanos finally die off then both sides can start reconciliation -- once american hostility ends
    there is tremendous internal debate going on in cuba right now, particularly forceful as they don't want to enter into another SP. we can all hope changes will come for the sake of the cuban people. just also hope the americans keep their grubby hands off any reforms, otherwise the status quo will remain.

  3. Anonymous August 21, 2009 10:56 AM,

    Which new generation are you talking about? (Lage, Perez Roque, et alles are out)

    "... when the old gusanos finally die off then both sides can start reconciliation..." Are you suggesting that the "old gusanos" be terminated with extreme prejudice or just wishing for their quick natural demise? (Assuming that reconciliation is your aim)

    "...just also hope the americans keep their grubby hands off any reforms..." Do those grubby hands belong to American capitalists that are waiting in the wings to do business with and in Cuba? So is lifting the embargo a bad idea?

    Just curious!

    Vecino de NF

  4. Phil wrote:

    " Snide Fidel : ...Fidel Castro says this: 'Better yet, scientists could design robots capable of governing...'"

    Your behind the curve again, Fifo. The imperialist scientists have already come out with such a robot: Leftside (Mark I). Well, actually, Leftside is not capable of governing. The Leftside Mark I model can only rubberstamp, with enthusiasm, every inane diktat issued by his Coma Andante, which is what Castro is looking for anyway.

  5. I was in the Juanes concert during my travel thorough LMT. I really agree with him on the idea for peace and national concord to the Cuban people.
