Wednesday, October 7, 2009

A "brief history..."

...from Politico's Matt Wuerker.


  1. Cute but misleading? Who were the assasins sent to Cuba under Pres.Reagan's auspices? Gen.Vernon Walters went down early in Reagan's presidency and he came back with the assesment that the USA did not have anything Fidel Castro wanted.

    Also the cartoon leaves out the fact that every US President since Eisenhower with the exception of Pres.Kennedy and maybe Pres.Johnson (my memory fails me at times) tried to establish some kind of talks with the Cuban government. It also leaves out the ongoing military to military talks at the GITMO wire that have been ongoing for almos 20 years now. And it is very unfair to President Carter who did improve diplomatic relations dramatically.

    Nonetheless the cartoon is cute.

    Vecino de NF

  2. Fidel killed Kennedy.

  3. yeah, the americans wanted to talk to cuba, as long as it was them doing the talking and the cubans the listening; american has always imposed conditions, still do.
    read the book from the national security archives that makes it clear the cubans wanted to talk, initiated much, and the americans were the ones rebuffing them or always putting conditions. american simply wants cuba back under its fold, historic truth. so try and get the facts right for once.

  4. Yes, the history of US-Cuban relations encapsulated right there by an absolute imbecile.


  5. Now this is the kind of cartoon that all sensible, factual and peaceloving peoples can heartily support! The much maligned Comandante en Jefe, from the very beginning of his Crusade for Freedom, has been as innocent as a lamb and is the LAST person in the world who deserves persecution by the heartless yanqui imperialist beast!

  6. the world of the gusano -- complete and utter denial. keep up the good work boys, it's been wonderfully successful for the past 50 years.

  7. "the world of the gusano -- complete and utter denial... its been wonderfully successful for the past 50 years."

    Exactly right. These gusano pests must continue to be suppressed until *real* democracy (not the gusano version, with their eternal jabbering about "human rights") remains beyond criticism.

    Under *no* circumstances can we permit the image of our beloved comandante(s) to be besmirched, as unfortunately did happen, due to a slackening of revolutionary vigilance, in the cases Brezhnev, Mao, Ceausescu and other revered Leaders.

  8. The orbits of Planets Leftside and Anon 8:41 intersect every 4,072 days.
