Tuesday, October 27, 2009

"Safe house" torture

According to La Jornada, Mexican officials report that during the past year they have returned 79 Cubans who were brought illegally to Mexico by alien smugglers, and that the incidence of Cuba-to-Mexico alien smuggling is down in the year since the Cuba-Mexico migration agreement went into effect.

Meanwhile, Granma published the horrible accounts of Cubans who were smuggled to Cancun and tortured when the smugglers realized that the required $10,000-per-head payment was not forthcoming. Four who suffered this ordeal were rescued by Mexican authorities and returned to Cuba. The article is titled, “The American Dream Could Have Cost Them Their Lives.” Prensa Latina has a short English version of the story.


  1. Granma's concern for the welfare of fleeing Cubans is touching.


  2. are your concern for the cuban people is shown how pidgen? keep up the fantasy pidgen, anything less would be a disappointment.

  3. Los traficantes de seres humanos son cubanos del regimen que los transportan a EEUU. Negocio redondo para la dictadura

  4. wonder where the mexicans got their torture techniques; must have been from the americans, no wait, we don't torture do we? moral authority my ass

  5. Why on earth would any Cubans be interested in "fleeing" from their homeland? Surely, if any problems exist in Cuba, we would read all about them in Granma. the only "problem" in Cuba is the genocidal yanqui blockade!
