Thursday, November 12, 2009

New data tool from World Bank and Google

The World Bank has just updated its World Development Indicators and Google has made the Bank’s data series available in its search function. Google’s explanation of how it works is here. Thanks to a NYC reader who put this chart on Internet use together. Or you can take this graph that plots world life expectancy 1960-2007 and plug in the countries you want to make comparisons.


  1. Plotting Cuba, Chile, and Costa Rica together shows Cuba starting above them in 1960, and all of them tied in 2007. Nice tool, although everyone knows about the relation between statistics, and damn lies!

    Vecino de NF

  2. Hate to hang an unrelated comment here but this is rather urgent: Channel 51 in Miami is reporting that Marta Beatriz Roque is in bad shape due to a fast that a group of dissidents in Vladmiro Roca's house started to protest human rights violations in Cuba. Marta Beatriz Roque is one of the four signatories of the Homeland belongs to All (La Patria es de Todos), an emblematic document of the Cuban dissident movement. She was imprisoned with Vlamiro Roca, and two others for drafting and circulating this docuement. This group of dissidents have been laid siege by a rapid action brigade for over two weeks now.

    Vecino de NF

  3. Vecino, the tool also shows Cuba below places like Ireland and Puerto Rico in life expectency in 1960 and now being tied or above them.
