Monday, December 6, 2010

More from Wikileaks

The Wikileaks cables continue to trickle out – slowly, as less than one half of one percent of the trove of a quarter-million cables has been made available.

Only one of those released originated at the U.S. Interests Section in Havana. Two released in recent days touch on Cuba matters:

First, a report from Embassy Madrid about a January 2008 visit of U.S. Senators; starting at paragraph 13 is an account of a conversation with Hector Palacios and his wife Gisela Delgado. The former dissident Palacios (who, it seems, did all the talking) was jailed in 2003, released, and went to Spain for medical treatment. The conversation covers the USAID program and political matters in Cuba.

Second, there’s some Cuba discussion in another Embassy Madrid cable, this one about a visit by Assistant Secretary of State Tom Shannon. It covers former President Aznar’s views, and notes that a Spanish official asked for an end to U.S. lobbying inside the EU on its Cuba posture: “Sandomingo made a point of saying during the lunch and again afterwards in private that Spain would strongly prefer the U.S. did not try to split EU opinion on Cuba.”

1 comment:

  1. You can search keywords from the cables through this website. I think you get more results from here than in relying on Wiki's Cuba tags.
