Friday, April 8, 2011

Posada walks

Three hours of deliberation, and Luis Posada Carriles is acquitted on all charges; details from AP and the Herald.


  1. Awwww. Your boss must be really upset about that.

  2. can't say im surprised. disappointed, but not surprised. it could not have gone any other way. at least a great deal of information got out. but there should have been so much more
    fortunately it does not prove one thing against him being a terrorist. the jury just didn't think he was a liar. how they could come up with that will be an OJ moment.

  3. Once a terrorist, always a terrorist.

  4. The jury aid off. The evidence was there showing that scumbag planning the bombing of the hotel in Cuba. This is more irrational than the oj verdict

  5. Those we fear, we tend to hate and those we hate, we tend to imitate. Posada Carriles is a perfect example of that twisted exile thinking taken to a whole other level: actual taking of innocent lives. Sadly, we condemn Castro's tyranny and barbarity which has historically been indifferent towards the innocent. Yet, in the same breath, we condone butchery when done by an exile in the name of freedom, even if it took the lives of many children. HIPPOCRISY is the least of our exile crimes.

  6. The first line of my comment should have said "The jury was paid off".

  7. Yes the jury was paid off, the same way as the jury was paid off in the Alan Gross trial. O wait, there was no jury there in Cuba, but the sentence was already preordained and dictated by the MININT. Final result: 12 jurors in Texas did not believe the Obama Justice Dept bullshit. Thank God we still have an independent judicial system in these United States of America.
