Wednesday, April 13, 2011

USCG corrects company's false claim

On Monday I noted a statement by the Georgia company Harbor Homes that blamed Cuba for the loss of a barge and its cargo last December off the coast of Moa. The accusation was “denial of assistance” including, the company’s spokesman said, Cuban refusal to allow the U.S. Coast Guard to enter Cuban waters to get the barge and the stalled tug that had been towing it.

But the Coast Guard told the Herald and AP that it never asked permission to enter Cuban waters, which may shed light on the credibility of the rest of the company’s statements.

1 comment:

  1. Gee, what an incredible surprise. Yet another negative story about Cuba that turns out to be true.
    Non-stop propaganda, intentional or not, is one of cornerstones of America's siege against Cuba.
