Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Be afraid, be very afraid


  1. It scary to see who can qualify as a valid presidential candidate. I'm not, but I know I would make sure I knew what I was talking about before making public statements. Especially controversial ones.

  2. you could customized your videos from the source. but what's wrong with her not with castro's regime?

  3. We don't what the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud!


  4. she makes Sarah Palin look reasonable and well informed. Just another absolute lie about Cuba, now there's something new.

  5. Ay! There was a story on BBC radio about stupid terrorist ideas that never came to fruition. One of the cases was about some radical Islamists that were looking to bomb a Cuban embassy somewhere in retaliation for the Guantanamo Bay prison.

    I think Michelle Bachman gets her news from the same source as those ill-informed potential terrorists.
