A comment on this post that came in over the weekend:
Eso de mentir para embellecer biografias no es nuevo en Miami. Tomese la falsificación del papel de Rafael Diaz Balart en la amnistia de Fidel Castro de 1955.
Sabido es que como el dirigente de la mayoria del partido gubernamental en la Cámara de Representantes, Batista le encomendó a Diaz Balart que lograra la aprobación de la Amnistia de los Delitos Políticos de 1955. Tarea que Diaz Balart cumplió disciplinadamente.
Pero como Fidel Castro posteriormente derrocó a Batista, Diaz Ballart tuvo que posteriormente durante muchos años aguantar las críticas mal intencionadas de sus colegas Batistianos de que el fue el responsable de la liberación de Fidel Castro.
Y el no podía quedarse con esa espinita por dentro. Se aprovechó de que era el más joven de los representantes y espero muchos años a que todos sus colegas o hubiesen fallecido o estuviesen recluidos en asilos de ancianos para falsificar una carta protestando por la amnistia de Fidel Castro y pronosticando sus desmanes futuros.
Toda la prensa de Miami da ese episodio por cierto sin molestarse en comprobar el Diario de Sesiones de la Camara de Representantes de esa época donde se recogen los discursos de Rafael Diaz Balart en favor de la aprobación de dicha medida y no aparece mención ninguna de la supuesta carta profética.
Y luego sus hijos Lincoln y Mario Diaz Balart se aprovecharon de cualquier ocasión para divulgar la falsificación ya que la misma les proporcionaba dividendos políticos.
Al lado de este episodio que la prensa del exilio no ha divulgado, la distorción de la biografía del Senador Marcos Rubio es pecata minuta!
October 29, 2011 12:48 PM
wow, that's very interesting. first i've heard of this historical perspective, which if true, no reason not to believe it, puts another spin on exile history. THese Cubans, man they love to play politics, both sides.
ReplyDeleteMy father told me that story around the time Castro went into the mountains of Oriente. Like we say in Spannish: el papel aguanta todo.
ReplyDeleteOf course all that would be necessary to determine the authenticity of the "prophetic speech" would be for his heirs to offer references to the 1955 Cuban magazines, newspapers or congressional publications in which such speech appeared.
ReplyDeleteBut his sons have simply ignored public requests for verification and continue to propagate a fictitious speech that never took place and falsifies Cuban history.
I urge them once more at this time to offer such proof through this blog or to admit that the "prophetic" speech was simply a forgery carried out by their father and propagated by them for political benefits.
In the second alternative, they should also apologize publicly for publicly propagating a falsehood for self seeking purposes.
If no answer is forthcoming I would be willing, if Phil Peter requests, to send him by mail a copy of the Congressional Record of the Cuban House of Representatives for 1955 in which he could verify that this fictional speech does not appear which is definitive proof that it was never uttered since all speeches made by members of the house of representatives on the floor of the Cuban Congress were reported in this publication.
A week has gone by and no reply has come from Rafael Dia Balart heirs or friends about the original Cuban 1955 publication in which the "prophetic speech" appears.
ReplyDeleteIf such proof was available, it stands to reason that those people who loved or appreciated that person would have stepped forward and offered it.
If this proof was not offered despite the public demand for its presentation, it is a silent acceptance that it has never existed and that it was a blatant forgery,
As the Spanish saying states "El que calla otorga!" (He who is quiet accepts!)
I hope in the future no more brazen attempts are made to disseminate this forgery!