Without specifying exactly what the convicts
did, Granma
reports the convictions and sentences of twelve individuals for “crimes
associated with corruption during the process of negotiation, contracting, and
execution” of the expansion of the Pedro Soto Alba nickel plant in Moa, which
is part of a joint venture with Canada’s Sherritt International. The convicts include three former vice
ministers of basic industries and ranking state enterprise executives. AP’s
sources link these cases to those of arrested executives of a Canadian
import-export company and a British investment company. Reuters story here.
The new Cuban customs regulations that take
effect next month were previously only explained in the Gaceta Oficial, none
too clearly. This new
explanation is a big step forward.
Private carriage drivers in Santa Clara have unionized.
Congressman Paul Ryan clarifies
his position on Cuba.
These guys were sentenced for taking a part of the pie without the authorization of the Castro brothers.
ReplyDeleteThe Cuban police are playing exactly the same role in present day Cuba that the Chicagop police played under Al Capone.
The Chicago police arrested all Al Capone's competitors so he could have a monopoly of bootlegging in the windy city and its vicinity.
Al Capone's thugs even informed on their competitors so that the police could eliminate them.
In Castro's Cuba the police arrest all the crooks and embezzlers so that their stealing will be reduced and thus Castro's buddies will have more to take.
Castro's clique even tries to detect and prosecute unauthorized corruption so that only its members can profit from it.
The so called struggle against corruption is what Cubans call a great "burundanga" or Americans a great front to hide officially authorized corruption.
It is difficult to believe that all these vice Ministers and high officials carried out corruption on such a large scale for such a long time without the knowledge and protection of other government officials higher up on the totem pole.
Corruption is endemic in Cuba because it begins at the top and is imitated by subordinates all the way down the hierarchy.
Remember that imitation is the most sincere form of admiration!
However, only the middle and lower ranks are punished for engaging in it.
The problem is that when a scandal breaks someone has to pay for it and the rope always breaks by the thinnest section.
These guys stole and carried out corrupt practices because they saw higher ups doing the same and were protected by them.
However, when sacrificial victims were needed those less powerful were selected placed on the altar stone and had their hearts ripped out.
Remember the Ochoa affair and the members of the MC (Convertible currency aka Marihuana and cocaine) Dept. whose members served as patsies and were dully crucified to clear Fidel Castro of narcotrafficking charges!
The whole procedure reeks of hypocrisy,
The soldiers are always being prosecuted by the capos when sacrifial goats are needed to divert attention from them.