Cuba’s Catholic bishops today issued a pastoral letter (text available here) calling for Cuba’s reform process to go faster and farther, and for it to include reforms in the political sphere.
Pastoral letters don’t read like political texts, and this one is no
exception. It is based on the idea of
hope, an “invitation to the hope that is part of our Christian faith, of good
will, and of the necessity and the duty to seek among Cubans a better future
for all.”
They also recall that the papal visits went beyond religion and treated
“the human and social dimension of the church’s evangelizing mission.” They quote Benedict calling on Cubans, “with
the weapons of peace, forgiveness, and understanding, to fight to build an open
and renewed society, more worthy of man, more reflective of God’s goodness.”
Then the bishops get to the issue of liberty: When it comes to options
for promoting the common good, the church “defends and promotes freedom of man
with responsibility.” “All humanity, and
within it we Cubans,” they continue, “are called to enjoy that freedom wished
by God that permits man to obtain for himself and his family the fruits of decent
labor and to participate in the decisions that affect them in their personal,
familial, and social future.”
Without naming any government in particular, the letter notes that some
governments, “in the past and today, may generate groups in power that do not
always represent everyone and do not interest themselves in those outside the
circle to which they belong.”
Government, it continues, “has the obligation to seek the wellbeing of
all citizens and the best way to achieve that is taking into account the just
interests of each group…This is how paternalism of the state is avoided…The
participatory state should definitively replace the paternalistic state…One
should not fear the development of a strong and responsible social autonomy…”
The letter continues specifically about Cuba: “In the incipient reforms
that are starting we see a clear reflection, albeit incomplete, of demands long
felt by the Cuban people. We see some
changes, for example the return of secondary schools to the cities [i.e. the near-complete
elimination of boarding schools for students as young as 12]…the freeing of persons
imprisoned for their political ideas and other causes, the distribution of
farmland for cultivation, the elimination of certain restrictions that assaulted
the dignity of citizens in that they limited the very freedom of Cubans, such
as prohibitions on staying in hotels, creating a small private or family
business, selling or buying properties, or traveling abroad, etc.”
“We want to see in all this,” the bishops continue, “the start of a
process of ever-wider reforms for the good of the people and new generations of
Cubans.” They say the need is great, because
the public, having seen some reform, urgently wants more; many young people “still don’t see the
conditions to carry out their life plan” and think of emigrating; and “as
Cubans and as pastors” it is painful to see “such extensive poverty still in
our country…even while there exists a social concern to care for those
confronted by this situation.” “In Cuba,
moreover, to this type of poverty we should add that of some social groups that
normally should not suffer it,” such as engineers, farm workers, doctors,
teachers, and others. And they shift
from human dignity to basic economic sense: “Any reform plan should count on
these human riches that have also cost and today cost the nation in terms of
The bishops call for a “new political order.” “As has been occurring in the economic
sphere, we believe that in our Cuban reality it is indispensible to bring
national legislation in the political sphere up to date.” “Cuba is called to be a plural society,” they
continue. “There should be a right to
diversity with respect to thought, creativity, and the search for the truth. From diversity emerges the need for
dialogue. Dialogue between Cubans opens
a way toward hope.”
Finally, they address relations with the United States, a subject they
have addressed many times, always opposing U.S. economic sanctions against
Cuba. Today’s letter quotes John Paul II
on the subject, saying that “imposed isolation affects the people indiscriminately,
worsening the difficulties of the weakest in basic areas such as nutrition,
health, and education.” He called for an
end to “unjust and ethically unacceptable measures imposed from outside.” The bishops call for “an inclusive policy,
with respect for differences, that permits the alleviation of tension and
suffering that afflicts numerous persons and families, and also commercial
trade that is fair and oriented toward the benefit of all.”
So there’s quite a few messages in there. For the Cuban government: the dignity of the
person and the development of the economy require not only more and deeper
economic reform, but a political reform too that permits real pluralism in the
society and in the political system. And
for President Obama: if you care about openings in Cuba, you can help with a
fundamental reorientation of United States policy.
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