Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Sculptor and spectator

Paseo del Prado, 2005


Anonymous said...

Había un ciego parado a la derecha, fue tomada en Julio o Agosto, un sábado o domingo, entre las 5 y las 6 de la tarde y escribe con un bolígrafo que le facilitaste tú.

Anonymous said...

Por el blog de Karamchand (http://cubabit.blogspot.com) he descubierto su blog, voy a difundirlo entre mis amigos y próximamente lo incorporaré a los enlaces que recomiendo en mi blog (http://taniaquintero.blogspot.com)Desde Lucerna le saluda, T.Q.

leftside said...

Great pics. I bought a gem of a small painting/newspaper montage by a Mr Julio Gonzalez here.

Anyone know how this artist studio/market on el Prado works? Is there a government role?

Phil Peters said...

Bienvenida, Tania.

Leftside, I recall talking to the artists there one day and being told that they are from a state-sponsored collective and they come to the Prado once a week or so to sell. The sculptor was not connected to them, he was just a guy chipping away on a block of marble.