Comandante de la Revolucion and Granma veteran Juan Almeida Bosque, 82, died last Saturday. AP has an obituary here and coverage of the Sunday mourning here. R.I.P.
(Juventud Rebelde photo.)
Havana-Miami-Washington events and arguments and their impact on Cuba
This is really bad news for Juan Almeida's son, Juan Juan Almeida who recently made a public splash requesting to leave Cuba for medical treatment, and published a book on his growing up in the governing elite in Cuba. It leaves him without any political protection just like the case of the Vladimiro Roca, the son of the late Blas Roca.
Vecino de NF
And did you notice that the official announcements of Almeida's death did not mention Juan Juan at all. A photo of Raúl Castro at the wake showed him flanked by two Almeida children, Diana and Juan Guillermo, but no Juan Juan.
Fidel Castro in today's reflexion describes Almeida as follows:
"Tuve el privilegio de conocerlo: joven negro, obrero, combativo, que sucesivamente fue jefe de célula revolucionaria, combatiente del Moncada, compañero de prisión, capitán de pelotón desembarcando del Granma, oficial del Ejército Rebelde - paralizado en su avance por un disparo en el pecho durante el violento Combate del Uvero -, Comandante de Columna, marchando para crear el Tercer Frente Oriental, compañero que comparte la dirección de nuestras fuerzas en las últimas batallas victoriosas que derrocaron a la tiranía."
Please note that the first thing that is noted is that Juan Almeida was black. All his accomplishments come after his skin pigmentation is noted including his membership in the working class.
Vecino de NF
Thats the first thing you notice about Almeida if you are not blind. Remember that racism in Cuba is almost non existent, so calling someone "black" is not an insult.
He was black and hold the title commander of the revolution and was one of the most trusted figures in cuban government, so what was your point?
Race trumped class affiliation and revolutionary accomplishments in Fidel Castro's mind when it came to Juan Almeida. Should we refer to Fidel and Raul Castro as the children of a former Spanish colonial soldier turned latifundista or their family upbringing before we discuss any of their views or actions?
Vecino de NF
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